Reading List

Thought I'd add a list of books that I've been reading this year.

First up: the latest edition of Jeffrey Richter's CLR via C#. This edition covers .Net 4 and groovy things like the dynamic keyword. This is not an introduction to the language but I'd heartily recommend it to anyone with a year or so's experience under their belts. The author has firm views on how code should be written - such as marking every class sealed and not using C# aliases for for types. Some of these I agree with, others less so...

Next: O'Reilly's Head First Design Patterns. At first I thought this was a bit condescending - like Design Patterns for Dummies - but actually the style is really good for learning complicated subjects. Particularly as patterns are conceptual - and a picture is worth a 1000 words! Another highly recommended book. If you're a C# developer you need to read this - although you may find yourself Googling some of the Java syntax used throughout.

Lastly an absolute classic: Steve McConnell's Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction. What to say? It's the archetype for all developer books. It's a bit waffly in places and it's realy not the place to look for code examples - but you shouln't be searching for that here. This is more of a holistic view on what it means to be a programmer and life in the software industry. Another must-read.

So there you go. Just 3 books - some of them are a large but that's not much to read in a year. What have you read in 2010?
