
In my Software Needs post last year I left out something really important: Versioning.

We commonly face the problem where we do not know what functionality is contained within DLLs used in production. We can guess based on the created date – and we can decompile using tools such as Telerik’s Just Decompile – but we’re still guessing!

Instead we now use the build server to add the last SVN revision number to an assembly’s version number. By doing this we can be tie a DLL on disk to a specific commit in Source Control.

TeamCity will version assemblies for you. We use CruiseControl.Net however, so I knocked up little utility called from NAnt that modifies all AssemblyInfo.cs files within a given directory before the main build.

Here's the NAnt target, showing how to get the SVN revision:

<target name="SetVersion" depends="Clean">
  <!-- write the last revision from SVN to a file -->
  <exec program="C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN Server\bin\svn.exe" output="revision.xml">
    <arg line="info --xml ${build.path}"/>
  <!-- get the manually incremented (major) version from a file in the repo -->
  <xmlpeek file="${build.path}\version.xml" xpath="/versions/baseversion" property="base.version"/>
  <!-- get the SVN revision we wrote in step 1 -->
  <xmlpeek file="revision.xml" xpath="/info/entry/commit/@revision" property="svn.revision"/>
  <!-- alter all AsssemblyInfo files in the directory -->
  <exec program="D:\AssemblyInfoVersioner\AssemblyInfoVersioner.exe">
    <arg value="${build.path}" />
    <arg value="/afv:${base.version}.${svn.revision}" />
  <!-- save the full version for naming zip files and for tagging the repo later -->
  <xmlpoke file="${build.path}\version.xml" xpath="/versions/fullversion" value="${base.version}.${svn.revision}" />
