Map your way from Jira to Azure DevOps Boards

Recently I've been migrating Jira issues to Azure DevOps work items using the Solidify Migrator tool.

The tool is pretty easy to use. You can read a migration guide in Solidify's blog and download the tool from GitHub.

You use the jira-export tool to retrieve Jira issues using Jira's API (and your username and password) - they are saved to disk as JSON files.

Then you use the wi-import tool to create new Azure DevOps work items via the REST API (with a PAT).

The JSON files are created using a config file (also JSON) that maps Jira values to Azure DevOps fields.

Here are some tips:

1) The sample config files set base area paths and base iterations in Azure DevOps - I preferred them to be undefined:
  "base-area-path": "",
  "base-iteration-path": "",

2) If you want the jira-export tool to follow child relationships include the following in the link map section:
  "link-map": {
    "link": [
        "source": "Child",
        "target": "System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward"

3) If you want to map Jira sprints to Azure DevOps iterations include the following in the field-map section:

  "field-map": {
    "field": [
        "source": "Sprint",
        "source-type": "name",
        "target": "System.IterationPath",
        "mapper": "MapSprint"

Happy mapping!
